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在中国买不起房 可以去西班牙买个村!
相关专题: 外语  发布时间:2013-06-04
资讯导读: ish buyers are snapping up entire villages in Spain for a fifth of the price of the average semi-detached home here.   来自英国的买家正在西班牙大肆抢购农村的房产,因为这里的价格是英国半独立式房子均价的五分之一。

British buyers are snapping up entire villages in Spain for a fifth of the price of the average semi-detached home here.

Property bargain-hunters are making the most of Spain's economic crisis to buy homes locals can no longer afford to keep.

Most of the tiny villages have been in the hands of the same families for generations, but in many cases their inhabitants have moved away to urban areas and the houses have fallen into disrepair.

Unable to afford to maintain or restore them, they are being sold at knockdown prices. Estate agents say 80 per cent are being bought by foreigners - and a third of buyers are British.

Father-of-two Neil Christie bought the hamlet of Arrunada in an idyllic corner of rural north west Spain for just 45,000 euros - or £39,000.
That is just a fifth of the price of the average semi-detached house in Britain, at £201,427, according to the most recent Land Registry statistics.

Even after he has totally renovated the four dilapidated properties, he expects to have spent no more than £140,000 on the project.

Former ITV transmission controller Mr Christie, 61, fell in love with the area while holidaying with his Peruvian wife Rosa.

The couple have moved from their former home in Cumbria and are now staying in a nearby village where Mrs Christie works as a school teacher, while Mr Christie spends his time renovating their future home.

来源:中国教育在线   编辑:zixun_1  
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